Whats the value of a investment ? A common line in our day to day
life . Generally value of a investment depend on the maturity period
scenario . It may very , with a boom or a crash . Many external factors
also have impact on it .Common man generally had investment in property
, gold , cash , markets (equity , commodity , mutual fund , ETF , bonds
) with a hope to use it at the time of requirement . But when he is
going to have that requirement is mostly uncertain , except for the
planed part of life that goes according to the plan .
Most important thing in asset portfolio is maintaining a balance between all form of assets . one less or one more can shrink the boat . All these form have their advantage and disadvantage simultaneously . The calculation on it needs time but a must for assured financial life .
Property investment is the best thing in market today . With a
unmatched growth going on in the real estate sector in every corner of
the world home and land is the flavor of the season . But with the
recession and sub-prime mortgage crises in USA had some hard lesson in
it to learn .This may happen in India also as we do have the same
financial system as them . If a person want to liquidate a property the
price also depend on his ability to bargain on the price and his
urgency to get the deal done . In a hurry you will never get a good
bargain but with a little patience and tough bargain higher price can be
achived .Property broker were also infamous crooks of the trade .Any
over night disposal of a property is also not possible many times and if
also it happens then the inverter will get the lowest possible price
from the buyer as he will take advantage of other party's situation .
But few unexpected conditions also follows a property investment , there
is a old say land and women belong only to man with a lathi (stick ) as
it is matter of maintaining hold on it . For example a service holder
man sitting in Chennai had a flat / land in New Delhi on rent / lease .
In case of any dispute with in both party's if he do not have any
local influence his only option is law of the land . It take not months
but years to settle a civil case . There were numerous real life
incidents when the owner had to even loose the property . So having a
property exposure in our locality of influence is better .
Man and women around the world have love for the glittering gold from
the very day it was discovered . Universal in acceptance .Indian have in
particular a soft corner for gold as ornament and investment . It had a
history of appreciation , but the mechanism and factors responsible for
gold price are complex one . Reserve Banks around the world are
actually the largest consumer of gold as it had direct relation with the
currency of their country . But it also had a history of great falls
few decades earlier . In case any Reserve Bank gives any signal to
market that it is going to liquidate any person from its reserve is
enough to bring the gold prices down substantially . Else a common
inverter also never get the the current market price if he/she wishes to
sell gold from the market .While selling ornament in open market due to
impurity and making charges it will fetch 20-25% less then the current
market price . In case of gold coins /biscuit the loss will be less .
Any thing market related is all ways a risky business for new
investor . In mutual funds the growth of the fund is dependent on the
fund manager . Many time with the change in the portfolio manager the
performance of the fund may very .Any long term investment in blue chip
company gives healthy return .
Cash is most important
part in ones financial portfolio . Though having only cash also may
imbalance ones portfolio , wise decision were required in making
investment with case while maintaining the a case reserve for all future
requirement as cash can never be replaced by other other forms of
assets .
Most important thing in asset portfolio is maintaining a balance between all form of assets . one less or one more can shrink the boat . All these form have their advantage and disadvantage simultaneously . The calculation on it needs time but a must for assured financial life .
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